Social Marketing And Message Framing

Social  marketing  employs  commercial  marketing strategies  to  try  to  solve  social  problems  and  to effect  voluntary  behavior  change.  An  important aspect  of  social  marketing  is  message  framing,  which is the tone or valence in which the information related to the behavior is conveyed. This entry discusses  social  marketing  and  message  framing in the context of… Continue reading Social Marketing And Message Framing

Sleep And Exercise

Sleep  is  critical  to  normal  physiological  and  psychological  function,  and  people  spend  nearly  one third of their lives asleep. Usual sleep duration is considered to be between 7 and 9 hours per night for  healthy  adults.  The  different  stages  of  sleep have  historically  been  defined  according  to  the 1968 classification rules of Alan Rechtschaffen and Anthony… Continue reading Sleep And Exercise

Sedentary Behavior

Exercise  psychology  has  evolved  from  sport  and health psychologies and has involved the study of psychological  antecedents  (e.g.,  motivational  and other  influences)  and  consequences  (e.g.,  mental health effects) of participation or nonparticipation in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). It is now widely recognized that a lack of MVPA (inactivity) is a major public health issue. It… Continue reading Sedentary Behavior

Runner’s High

The “runner’s high” is a euphoric sensation reportedly experienced during running, usually unexpectedly, in which the runner feels a heightened sense of  well-being,  enhanced  appreciation  of  nature, and  transcendence  of  barriers  of  time  and  space. There are many terms in the research and popular literature that have been used to describe the runner’s high. These… Continue reading Runner’s High

Resistance Training

Resistance training (RT), also commonly  referred to as strength training or weight training, is a form of  anaerobic  exercise  that  utilizes  external  resistance  of  varying  loads  to  improve  musculoskeletal fitness. Compared with aerobic exercise, there are  significantly  more  variables  to  consider  when structuring  an  appropriate  RT  bout  or  program. Some of these prescription considerations include… Continue reading Resistance Training