Symbolic Racism

Symbolic Racism Definition Symbolic racism is a form of prejudice that Whites in particular hold against Blacks, although it is likely to be held in some measure by other American ethnic groups, and in principle some version of it may target groups other than Blacks. Symbolic racism is usually described as a coherent belief system… Continue reading Symbolic Racism

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Stigma Definition Stigma is an attribute or characteristic that marks a person as different from others and that extensively discredits his or her identity. Ancient Greeks coined the term stigma to describe a mark cut or burned into the body that designated the bearer as someone who was morally defective, such as a slave, criminal,… Continue reading Stigma

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Stereotypes Definition Stereotypes are generalized beliefs about the characteristics that are associated with the members of a social group. In 1922, the journalist Walter Lippmann first popularized the term stereotype, which he described as the image people have in their heads of what a social group is like. Early researchers examined the content of social… Continue reading Stereotypes

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Stereotype Threat

Stereotype Threat Definition Stereotype threat arises from the recognition that one could be judged or treated in terms of a negative stereotype about one’s group. This sense of threat usually happens when one is doing something to which such a stereotype applies. Then one knows that one is subject to be judged or treated in… Continue reading Stereotype Threat

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Sexism Definition Sexism refers to prejudice or bias toward people based on their gender; it encompasses beliefs (e.g., in different roles for men and women), emotions (e.g., disliking powerful women), and behavior (e.g., sexual harassment) that support gender inequality. Although originally conceived as antipathy toward women, sexism includes subjectively positive but patronizing beliefs (e.g., that… Continue reading Sexism

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